Innovation Talk with Denmark

June 30, 2021 / Birgit Spaeth

Baden-Württemberg International and the Innovation Center Denmark organized an Innovation Talk as part of the "Regional Innovation Partnerships as Innovation Drivers outside of the Big Cities" program. The Black Forest Campus presented jointly with the IFF.

Program: Regional Innovation Partnerships as Innovation Drivers outside of the Big Cities | June 29, 2021

  • Welcome by Baden-Württemberg International & Innovation Centre Denmark Munich
  • Overview and Perspectives - Regional Innovation Partnerships Programme - Dr. Justus Lentsch, Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg
  • Insights into Regional Innovation Partnerships Projects in Baden-Württemberg - Projekt Regionale Innovationspartnerschaft Campus Schwarzwald (presented by Stefan Bogenrieder and Liliana Zarco)
  • Insights into Regional Innovation Partnership University - Industry Collaboration in Denmark  (presented by Thomas Buhl)
  • Collaboration Perspectives with the new Danish Innovation Clusters
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